Thursday, January 31, 2008

Two books we all should read

Continuing with my trend to recommend books :) the two thought provoking books below in my opinion are essential. I'm convinced that if everyone in the 'first world' read them once in a life time (the sooner the better) we would all probably live in a much better and long lasting World.

The first is "Cosmos" by Carl Sagan.

And once we re-think on from where we come from and what's our place in the Universe, then we may concentrate locally in our still beautiful planet by reading "The Next World War: Tribes, Cities, Nations, and Ecological Decline" and hopefully take some action.

And there's a DVD edition of Cosmos too No excuses :)


Ainhoa y Miguel said...

recientemente he conocido tu pag web (wikiloc), debido a un viaje a Islandia que hice este verano y buscando rutas me encontre que tu web. He de decirte que me parece un proyecto increible. Mucho animo!!!


Teresa XN said...

Hola Jordi,
me ha gustado mucho tu proyecto de rutas naturales. Enhorabuena, Espero que sigas adelante!
Me gustaria hacerte una pregunta ¿De que va el libro Cosmos de Carl Sagan? Parece muy interesante.
Saludos :)
